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Have you seen the movie “12th Fail” yet? It has a wonderful song called “Restart“. The hero is an IPS aspirant. Inspite of his humble background, he dreams big and works hard. At every step of his journey, failure hits him hard. But again and again, he “restarts”. He knows that there’s no guarantee that…

A new year gift

New year’s day, 2024. Celebration? Wishes? Joy? Not exactly. Resolution? Launch new goals? Kickstart the new year with a bang? Nope. Well, there was a bang. Just not the kind I was looking forward to. — The day started well. I woke up early. I was going to sit down and write a few words, to…

The dip

In early Jan, I checked the number of blog posts that I’d written in 2023. One. Just one post? The entire year!? I felt horrible. “How could have I let my blog stay dormant for so long?” “2024 has to be different.” — I decided: This year, I would invest at least 30min everyday on…