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Waking Shreya up

Shreya turned 13 about a month ago. She’s a good child. Does a lot of things well. Including sleeping in :). When that happens on holidays, I tell myself: “She’s a child. She’ll get better.” When that happens on schooldays, I’m less peaceful. We’ve split chores between Janaki and me. And it’s my task to…

The dip

In early Jan, I checked the number of blog posts that I’d written in 2023. One. Just one post? The entire year!? I felt horrible. “How could have I let my blog stay dormant for so long?” “2024 has to be different.” — I decided: This year, I would invest at least 30min everyday on…

The power of community

A month ago, I signed up for a speed reading course. Reading faster has been a goal of mine for a long time now. But nothing I had tried before worked for me. I just couldn’t stick through any of the training programs I’d signed up for. —- One day, an Indian speaking broken English…

The secret benefit of a marathon

When I launched this blog in late February, my goal was to publish a post every single day. On the days I couldn’t write and publish a new post, I cross-posted content from my now-defunct medium blog. This way I maintained my daily streak for about 2 weeks. —- Then the first crack in my…

When the going gets tough…use a safety net

I binge-watched 6 episodes of a Netflix series on Sunday. Almost 5 hours of TV. It was good, while it lasted. Eyes glued. The excitement of watching a thriller. Rooting for the protagonist. Hoping the villain would suffer what he deserved. —– And then after it’s all over, the eerie silence starts. Those open problems…

Being dissatisfied: There’s a catch. And a solution!

I recently wrote about how being perennially dissatisfied can fuel us toward continuous improvement and growth. There is however a catch. The dissatisfaction could lead to disappointment rather than enthusiasm. I’ll address how to avoid that in this post. —- Some years ago, I watched an interview with the always-in-the-news Elon Musk. Here’s one part…

The gift of dissatisfaction

“Why are you never satisfied? We can’t be happy unless we’re satisfied.” That was a piece of advice from a friend, who meant well. —- “Stretch a bit more Vaidy…Put your elbows down…You can do this..” That was Shilpa, my Yoga teacher. We were practicing the hanumanasa (full split). My thighs were screaming in pain….

How a normal Yoga class became a special one

“I’m not feeling so well today. Can you excuse me out of the class after 20min?” I sent the above message to my teacher a few minutes before our 60min Yoga class was about to begin. “Okay” she responded. Fast forward 60min, I was still on the mat saying the conclusion prayer, the Shanthi Mantra….