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Redirecting negative thoughts

Our thoughts shape our reality. We can achieve almost anything simply by focusing our thoughts on our goals (and taking action, of course!). Reduce the “quantity” of thoughts ➡️ Fewer thoughts. Improve the “quality” of thoughts ➡️ More positive thoughts. By continuously improving in the above 2 areas, we can start to see our goals…


Have you seen the movie “12th Fail” yet? It has a wonderful song called “Restart“. The hero is an IPS aspirant. Inspite of his humble background, he dreams big and works hard. At every step of his journey, failure hits him hard. But again and again, he “restarts”. He knows that there’s no guarantee that…

A new year gift

New year’s day, 2024. Celebration? Wishes? Joy? Not exactly. Resolution? Launch new goals? Kickstart the new year with a bang? Nope. Well, there was a bang. Just not the kind I was looking forward to. — The day started well. I woke up early. I was going to sit down and write a few words, to…

Enough? No way!

Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller, were at a party hosted by a billionaire. During the event, Vonnegut remarked to Heller that their billionaire host might have made more money in a single day than Heller had earned from his popular novel “Catch-22” over its whole history. Heller’s response: “Yes, but I have something he will…


“Ding” That was a notification from the PracticeNow support/ticketing system. It usually means one of 2 things: 1. A customer needs help with something 2. A new customer has signed up (I can’t lie to you. It’s the second that makes me happier 🙂 ) Excitedly, I checked what caused the Ding. And there it…

A YouTube Hack

TL;DR: It’s an extension called Glasp — I love YouTube. Who doesn’t? I use it to research and learn about many topics I care about: Health, Work, Money, Love/Relationships, Hobbies and Spirituality. And yes, for the occasional entertainment too 🙂 Here’s the challenge: I open YouTube to research a topic. I find and watch a…

106 days of Pranayama: How I (almost) conquered anger

“There are two things a person should never be angry at; What they can help, and what they cannot.” – Plato —- The Bhagavad Gita talks about 3 demons: Lust, Anger, and Greed. If we don’t securely lock them away, we’re doomed. And among the 3, anger was the demon that I found hardest to…

Whatever happens….

We had done it. A difficult project. Finally launched. Not after days or weeks of toiling. But after more than 12 months of trial and error. We had found and solved countless problems. Not only were we proud of our new product, but we also had a few delighted customers to vouch for it. —-…

Komal Dubey shows us how to be “responsible”

Duty vs Responsibility. There’s a distinction. You’re doing your duty when you’re satisfying what the world expects from you. But you’re being responsible when you’re listening to your conscience and doing whatever it tells you to do. Or in other words, whenever you’re following your heart. —- Let’s say you’re a great student, always getting…