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How PracticeNow helped me grow

Running a startup…it’s hard. PracticeNow is no different. Building the product isn’t easy. Selling it is even harder. It’s a risky, years-long marathon. But when customers send us messages like the following, it makes it all worthwhile. Hi Vaidy and Team, To begin with, thank you for continuing to provide such prompt service whenever needed…

The dip

In early Jan, I checked the number of blog posts that I’d written in 2023. One. Just one post? The entire year!? I felt horrible. “How could have I let my blog stay dormant for so long?” “2024 has to be different.” — I decided: This year, I would invest at least 30min everyday on…


At a recent spiritual retreat I attended, Mahatria shared the following anecdote. It was the last day of a workshop that Mahatria had conducted for a group of business leaders. Each of the workshop attendees took turns to share their experiences. They would go up on stage, speak a few words and then step down….

The power of community

A month ago, I signed up for a speed reading course. Reading faster has been a goal of mine for a long time now. But nothing I had tried before worked for me. I just couldn’t stick through any of the training programs I’d signed up for. —- One day, an Indian speaking broken English…

The secret benefit of a marathon

When I launched this blog in late February, my goal was to publish a post every single day. On the days I couldn’t write and publish a new post, I cross-posted content from my now-defunct medium blog. This way I maintained my daily streak for about 2 weeks. —- Then the first crack in my…

When the student is ready…

“I’m a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down.” – Abraham Lincoln —- When someone expects you to do something hard, how often do you feel driven to do it? Not out of fear of punishment, but because: They set high…

When not to quit

I made a decision to start writing regularly a couple of months ago. The first month was a breeze. High levels of motivation. The excitement of launching my own blog. It was hard not to write. The excitement dissipated after a few weeks, but I was largely able to retain the momentum. Then it got…

When the going gets tough…use a safety net

I binge-watched 6 episodes of a Netflix series on Sunday. Almost 5 hours of TV. It was good, while it lasted. Eyes glued. The excitement of watching a thriller. Rooting for the protagonist. Hoping the villain would suffer what he deserved. —– And then after it’s all over, the eerie silence starts. Those open problems…

Why write? And why write publicly?

A friend was curious why I blog. That made me think as well. Blogging is public writing. While writing your own personal journal every day is a great habit, I think blogging has additional benefits. Perhaps some of the following reasons will also resonate with you 🙂 Why write? Writing helps me clarify my thinking….

Stress is good

My writing tool of choice is called The Most Dangerous Writing App Here’s how it works: Let’s say you plan to write for 20min. Once you start writing, you can’t stop until your 20 minutes are done. If you pause for more than a few seconds, you lose everything you’ve written so far. Sounds stressful?…