It takes a few minutes of work to sow a mango seed. Nobody, other than you, even knows it’s there. Fast forward a few weeks, you have a sapling. In a few years, it’s a small tree. And in a decade, it has grown into a gigantic landmark. It has become a perpetual giver without…
Stop snoozing [Part 2]: At least 2 more hours or…nothing.
“Are some of you snoozing your alarms for a few minutes every day, before waking up?” That was how Vikas started one of our recent Pranayama classes. And I was thinking: “How in the world did he know about my alarm snoozing habit??” —- Vikas continued: “You are in the 5 AM club. Think in abundance….
Stop snoozing [Part 1]: The elephant is watching.
Credits: Vikas is my pranayama teacher and holistic abundance guru. All credits to him and his teachings for the idea and inspiration for this post (and many others!). Happy Birthday, Vikas ❤️ —- Sleep is good. But hitting that “Snooze” button on your phone, when it rings? Not so good. —- “What’s the harm in…
Grow…like a plant
My teacher Vikas, shared a beautiful gardening analogy to help us understand the value of Pranayama and Meditation better: There are 3 things needed for a plant to grow well: 1. The quality of the soil should be very good 2. The soil needs to be prepared and ploughed well 3. The quality of the…
Your mind is an answering machine. Use it wisely.
“You are already complete.” You may have heard the above statement. What does it mean? Here are 3 interpretations: 1. If you took the spiritual route, you could interpret it as a nudge toward looking inward with the belief that you’ll eventually find the “why” of your existence within yourself. 2. Or you could consider…
How FocusMate helped me beat Parkinson’s law
On a call with a friend a few months ago, I shared a challenge I was facing: “I get up really early but I’m not able to start work until after 11 am. My morning routine just seems to extend forever.” He suggested that I closely track each morning task and the time it took…
How a normal Yoga class became a special one
“I’m not feeling so well today. Can you excuse me out of the class after 20min?” I sent the above message to my teacher a few minutes before our 60min Yoga class was about to begin. “Okay” she responded. Fast forward 60min, I was still on the mat saying the conclusion prayer, the Shanthi Mantra….
The power of prayer
My teacher starts our Yoga sessions with an invocation prayer and ends them with a peace prayer. The invocation prayer is “Yogena Cittasya Padena Vaacaam” The conclusion prayer is “Om Asato maa sad gamaya” — Invocation prayer Yogena Cittasya Padena Vaacaam | Malam Shariirasya Ca Vaidyakena || Yo[a-A]paakaro[a-U]ttamam Pravaram Muniinaam | Patan.jalim Praan.jalir-Aanato[a-A]smi || Meaning:…