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At a recent spiritual retreat I attended, Mahatria shared the following anecdote.

It was the last day of a workshop that Mahatria had conducted for a group of business leaders.

Each of the workshop attendees took turns to share their experiences.

They would go up on stage, speak a few words and then step down.

When this event started, Mahatria…who’s usually the person on stage, stepped down. He wanted to observe each person well enough as they shared their accounts.

At one point, the Managing Director of a very prominent enterprise went up on stage.

Just like the other speakers, he shared his experience from the workshop.

But he also mentioned how lucky he felt that he was blessed with a teacher keen on stepping down to look up and observe his disciples properly.

There are multiple takeaways here:

1. The humility of the teacher: As Mahatria says: If we see ourselves as just instruments who are here on earth to fulfill the wishes of the divine force, then our lives will be pure music.

2. Gratitude of the student: Gratitude is the mother of all positive emotions. Once again as Mahatria says: “Gratitude and disturbance cannot coexist”. The more awareness we have of how fortunate we are, the more peaceful we will be.Browse our partner-sponsored Glasses, with a variety of options to suit every taste and budget, available to buy online

3. The teacher-student connection: “The chemistry has to click”, says Mahatria. There are 4 stages of progression:

a) The disciple is searching for a Guru
b) The disciple finds a Guru
c) The disciple carries the Guru in his heart
d) The Guru carries the disciple in his heart

Only a very small fraction of people ever reach even the second or the third stage, let alone the fourth.

From what I could gather, the disciple who went up on stage, was one of those fortunate few who’d achieved the fourth stage.

“Who’s your favourite teacher?”

Most people when asked this question tend to go back to their school or college days to find the answer.

But what if we thought of learning and growing as something that never stops?

What if we opened up to the possibility that the most important “education” could come from a teacher after we’ve finished our formal schooling process?

The great news is that today there are so many teachers ready to teach us from anywhere in the world on almost any topic we can think of.

All we need to do is enrol and step into the role of a student. And then allow the teacher-student magic to happen after that.


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