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Perfect is the enemy of good..but..

You may have heard that saying. phone cases near mehandyhullen selber machentelefoonhoesjes met koord We tend to keep polishing our work endlessly as a way to delay sharing it with the outside world. The blog post draft never gets published. The website never goes live. The painting never sees the light of day. We don’t…

Writer’s block

That’s what I have right now. I’ve opened my laptop on schedule to write. And I have no idea what to write about. So, what should I do? Just give up and shut my laptop? Of course, not I can write about what to do when I have no ideas. Which is an idea in…

Stuck somewhere? Get help.

A few weeks ago, a customer sent me this message: “Vaidy, my daughter is putting a workshop on Suryanamaskar together. Is it okay if we used some ideas from your Suryanamaskar blog post for the workshop?” I was humbled by her question. I responded positively to her, but the thought that kept lingering in my…

My dance with Atha

I’m a procrastinating entrepreneur. I love creating stuff. Shipping a new PracticeNow feature. Sharing a new blog post. Attracting new customers in delightful ways. I dream about a great future when it’s all done. — Then I hear the clock ticking. It’s getting closer. The time to start on the blog post. To pick up…

The good news about self-discipline

“I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time today.” “I wish I’d stuck to the plan” “I wish I had just pushed through a bit harder” I’ve lost count of the number of the days I’ve gone to bed with the above thoughts. What is it, anyway? Om Swami defines discipline as the ability to do…