Smile for no reason

“Smile”, advised a friend “Smile” “But why?”, I asked “But why?” “For no reason at all”, he responded..with a smile. “For no reason at all” And I mirrored with a smile as well. — I wasn’t feeling great. I couldn’t think of good reasons to smile. But that’s the point – we don’t need a…


Online Yoga Classes: As a student, I have so many options to choose from. Options with similar pricing. Seemingly similar offerings. And standard schedules as well. “Why don’t you try out ALL the classes? And then make a decision?” “Why don’t you try out ALL the classes? And then make a decision?” A well-meaning friend…

“Do what you love..” – Myth or fact?

Henry Fonda was still throwing up before each stage performance..even when he was 75. Did he hate acting? Unlikely. He had a celebrated career spanning 5 decades. phone waterproof casecustom phone cases canada He must have been terrified sick before each performance. But he showed up anyway. — We’ve all heard the advice: “Do what you…

A special Suryanamaskar

A friend asked me: “How can you keep doing the same Suryanamaskar every single day?” “How can you keep doing the same Suryanamaskar every single day?” It was a good question. Why was I not getting bored? Doing the same routine every single morning? The answer, of course, is that it only seems like I’m…

What we can learn from Glenn Close

1983: Glenn Close gets her first Oscar nomination. She doesn’t win. 1984: She gets her second Oscar nomination. She doesn’t win. In the next 35 years, she gets another 5 nominations. She doesn’t win any of them. And at the 2021 Oscars? Aged 74, Close gets her 8th nomination. She doesn’t win that either. Glenn…

The good news about self-discipline

“I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time today.” “I wish I’d stuck to the plan” “I wish I had just pushed through a bit harder” I’ve lost count of the number of the days I’ve gone to bed with the above thoughts. What is it, anyway? Om Swami defines discipline as the ability to do…


What to do when an asteroid hits you

Like most mornings, I got up early yesterday. And went through my morning routine like clockwork. Finished my Yoga, showered, finished my morning prayer, meditated, finished my breakfast, and sat down to work. I’d also planned my day well ahead of time. Get X done, then Y and then Z. I was ready to take…

You’re an ice-cube

Let’s say you had a new year resolution to shed 10 kilos. You start monitoring your food, reducing your sugar intake, walking more, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and also start doing Yoga regularly. A week passes. You’re feeling more energetic and positive…until you get onto the weighing scale. The needle hasn’t moved….

Taming the Stallion

The monkey mind. A lot has been written about it. This post and TED talk from Tim Urban are quite popular. Since the mind keeps jumping around from thought to thought, the monkey analogy makes sense. — But I prefer seeing the untamed mind as a wild stallion instead. While both the stallion and monkey are untamed, the sight…