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At a recent spiritual retreat I attended, Mahatria shared the following anecdote. It was the last day of a workshop that Mahatria had conducted for a group of business leaders. Each of the workshop attendees took…

This *and* That

[The following story and lesson were taught by Mahatria at a recent spiritual retreat I attended.] There’s a famous story – about Alexander and Diogenes. Alexander (the conquerer) wants to take Diogenes (the Philosopher) back to…


A young friend of mine was glued to her phone for more than an hour. I suggested that she take a break from her phone and do something else. She nodded, then walked around for a…

“On top of the world”

“Good” “Fine” Those are two words that we usually respond with, to the question “How are you doing?” When things are normal, it’s a spontaneous response, with almost no thought given to it. When things aren’t…

When not to quit

I made a decision to start writing regularly a couple of months ago. The first month was a breeze. High levels of motivation. The excitement of launching my own blog. It was hard not to write….